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Disability & Rocket Pocket Doors – Giving you more accessibility!!

Have you ever considered the trials and tribulations of a wheelchair bound person? They are numerous and one of the most common ones is a hinged door! Not only difficult due to the forward and reverse motion but also the one handed operation needed to open the door and the force necessary especially when it is a fire door with a self closer attached.

Take a look at this sequence of events…

See how complicated and awkward it is? Well the solution has been around for some time now and it’s Rocket Pocket!

Years ago builders/architects/general people failed to notice the advantages of sliding pocket doors when designing new or refurbished accommodation for the disabled or, if they did they would specify the old fashioned systems that were difficult to install, difficult to align properly and gave an overall unsatisfactory result.  Rocket Pocket doors are coming into their own now though, as you can see more space, greater manoeuvrability are the important advantages, but from a practical point of view they are so much easier to install than the old designed ones. You get a full pocket that you just have to attach the plasterboard to and the complete system means that it is always in line and doesn’t need adjusting so it’s simple and straight forward.

Of course you get more usable space and no intrusion into corridors, but if you are a wheelchair user or have difficulties with manoeuvrability it is clearly much, much easier to pass through a sliding pocket door. The awkward backward and forward motion needed when using a hinged door is completely eliminated. 
This is also the case for anyone using walking aids or indeed blind or sight impaired, as the danger from the leading edge is removed.

Rocket pocket sliding door systems are a stunning alternative to traditional hinged doors, used to create more space without compromising reliability and strength. Adaptable for use in both new buildings and refurbishments, the Rocket pocket steel framework becomes part of the stud wall, allowing the doors to slide effortlessly into the wall offering the maximum opening without encroaching upon room space. Rocket Pocket offer full technical advice and support, both before and after-sales.

Benefits of using pocket sliding door systems:

  • No threshold
  • Easy to operate
  • More usable space
  • No trapped fingers
  • Door brake which slows the door without slamming into the wall
  • Easy to install
  • Affordable solution for the home